World News

Dinamarca enfrenta una tormenta de incertidumbre ante la amenaza de Trump de reclamar Groenlandia.

"Tomamos esta situación con suma seriedad", afirmó el Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, en referencia a las amenazas de Donald Trump de adquirir Groenlandia y de imponer aranceles elevados a Dinamarca si se interpone en su camino.

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen downplayed Trump's own suggestion that the US might use military force to seize Greenland. "I don't have the fantasy to imagine that it'll ever get to that," she told Danish TV.

And Lars Sandahl Sorensen, CEO of Danish Industry, also said there was "every reason to stay calm... no-one has any interest in a trade war."